Mesothelioma Caregivers Support

Lean on Me – Cancer Through a Carer’s Eyes: By Lorraine Kember

(from the back cover) A powerfully moving and inspirational true story of a courageous man’s battle with cancer and his wife’s emotional journey as she supports him throughout his ordeal. Interspersed with diary excerpts and poems she penned along the way, this very personal account depicts the depth of their love for each other, the sense of helplessness she experienced on his diagnosis and her growing strength as she comes to realize that there is much she can do to improve the quality of his life.

Her determination to care for her husband at home and to ensure that he did not suffer unnecessary pain, resulted in him attaining a quality of life few thought possible. ‘Lean on Me’ Cancer through a Carer’s Eyes is Lorraine and Brian’s inspirational true story. This book is included in our free information packet.

A Care Giver’s Guide To Caring For A Loved One With Cancer Of Any Kind

(from the author’s site) This inspirational ‘true’ story written by the wife of a cancer patient includes:

  • How to care for a cancer patient at home Â
  • How to control chronic pain
  • How to manage symptoms inc:
    • Chemotherapy related nausea
    • Constipation due to strong medication
  • About Palliative Care (Hospice) what it can do for you
  • Dying at home – a precious gift
  • Understanding Anticipatory Grief
  • Coping with Grief
  • Wife’s emotional journey told through diary excerpts and poems.

Lorraine Kember, Author, Public Speaker

Lorraine is a published Author and Poet as well as a Public Speaker. Since writing her book “Lean on Me” Cancer through a Carer’s Eyes – a true story of how she cared for her dying husband, she is frequently invited to speak to groups of Palliative Care; Silver Chain and Nursing Staff members and volunteers, as well as the general public, about the importance of Pain Management and symptom control to quality of life and caring for terminally ill loved ones at home.

Lorraine’s sincere wish to reach out and bring inspiration and strength to others is evident in her honest, heartfelt and emotive speeches. One cannot help but be inspired.

MESOTHELIOMA killed my husband; robbed me of my life’s partner, our children of their father and our grandchildren of the chance to know a wonderful man. 

I am angry that despite the deep suffering; pain and loss caused by asbestos exposure, there are still those who place profit above human life with no concern or sympathy for the countless families and who have lost their loved one due to negligence, deceit and lies.”

Lorraine also speaks to other Carers and Grief Support Groups. Sharing her emotional journey with her audience, she talks about: Anticipatory Grief associated with terminal diagnosis, Coping with grief after loss and finding the strength to move on with your life. Lorraine Kember can personally correspond on diagnosed cases.

Inspiration and Hope

“I believe that this is a truly amazing book that everybody with cancer should read. Any families who have been touched by this disease will undoubtedly find in it inspiration and hope.” – Dr. Andrew Dean, Consultant Physician in Palliative Care

Strongly Recommended

“This little book should have a place on the shelf of any hospice or palliative care service, to be loaned out to the ones who care for our patients and whose struggles and problems are often hidden by those of the patient.” – Roger Woodruff, Director of Palliative Care

What Should You Do Next?

  • Order our free, no obligation information packet
  • Call toll free 888.891.2200 now to get personal help from Mr. Steinberg with no upfront cost
  • Bookmark this site and visit it often

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