Helping Mesothelioma & Asbestos Exposure Victims
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Companies that have used asbestos in their products have known about the dangers for more than 50 years. Unfortunately, many have hidden the truth from the public and even from their own employees. If you, or a loved one, have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or asbestos related lung cancer, you may be entitled to substantial money damages.
The sooner you get started learning about your mesothelioma treatment, financial and legal options, the better off you will be. You are not alone nor are you powerless in this fight against mesothelioma. Robert L. Steinberg and his experienced team of mesothelioma lawyers have helped asbestos and mesothelioma victims nationwide, recover over one billion dollars in settlements and jury trial verdicts.
How Can the Law Offices of Robert L. Steinberg Help You?
Our attorneys have a wealth of experience dealing with the specialized scientific and medical issues that are common in asbestos and mesothelioma lawsuits. Our reputation for courtroom excellence gives us the added leverage to negotiate significant settlements on behalf of clients who would rather be spending time with their families than sitting through a trial.
This site is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive and easy to understand information about mesothelioma, your legal and financial options. Here you will find:
- A free, no obligation information packet that will answer many common questions and concerns about mesothelioma. See Mesothelioma Information Packet.
- Information on mesothelioma treatment options. See Mesothelioma Treatment.
- Answers to questions about your financial compensation. See Mesothelioma Financial Help.
- Support for those who care for mesothelioma patients. See Mesothelioma Caregivers Support.
- Legal help from a compassionate and caring attorney who considers the fight against mesothelioma personal because of his personal loss to the disease. See Mesothelioma Legal Help.
The Robert L. Steinberg Law Firm understands the emotional and financial stress caused by asbestos-induced illnesses, and our lawyers receive a tremendous amount of satisfaction knowing that they’re helping families in their time of greatest need. Visit our advocacy website to learn more about mesothelioma.
Contact us for more information about our Mesothelioma practice.